As a Property Standards Appeal Committee, if an owner or occupant upon whom an order has been served under the Property Standards By-law is not satisfied with the terms or conditions of the order they may appeal to the committee by sending a NOTICE OF APPEAL. The Committee shall conduct a hearing and make a decision with respect to the order.
Board Information
Applications for property standards appeals are heard in person at a Public Meeting, with the location of the public meeting will be described in the Notice of Public Meeting. Any person attending the public meeting will have an opportunity to speak at the public hearing to express any comments, or concerns or ask questions relative to the application, for the Committee to take into consideration before rendering a decision.
Meeting are generally held on the fourth Thursday of the month at 3:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Town Hall. *Location subject to change.
The Property Standards Appeal Committee is composed of five (5) voting citizen members, appointed by Council of the Town of Collingwood. The membership term is for four years and runs consistant with the term of Council. A Secretary Treasurer is appointed to the Committee as per the Planning Act.
Members of the Property Standards Appeal Committee also sit as members to the Committee of Adjustment.
Must be eligible to vote in the Town of Collingwood municipal election.
Citizen members should represent the following skill sets and/or interest areas: interest and understanding of the complexities and challenges of a building; have knowledge in one or more areas of law, planning, architecture, government, economic development, community development, land development, or citizen advocacy, but not act as an agent for applicants before the Committee of Adjustment.
Demonstrate decision-making, communication, and mediation skills to facilitate an open and fair hearing process.
Demonstrate leadership (mandatory for chair).
Adam Harrod, Manager, By-law Enforcement Services
Name | Position | Term Start | Term End | Status | Appointed By |
Boyer, Michele | Member | 16 Nov 2022 | 15 Nov 2026 | Active | |
Bryant, Norma | Member | 16 Nov 2022 | 15 Nov 2026 | Active | |
Johns, Stephen | Member | 16 Nov 2022 | 15 Nov 2026 | Active | |
Martin, Dave | Member | 16 Nov 2022 | 15 Nov 2026 | Active | |
Panicali, Massimo | Member | 20 Jan 2025 | 15 Nov 2026 | Active |