The purpose of establishing a Collingwood Multi-Use Recreation Facility Steering Committee is to ensure diverse, local perspectives are incorporated into Council’s decisionmaking regarding a MURF, by consulting with relevant stakeholders. The Steering Committee is established by the Town of Collingwood to provide Collingwood community perspectives, insights, and advisory recommendations on the outcomes of the Phase 1 Final Report as delivered by Colliers Project Leaders, to assist Council in making decisions regarding a future multi-use recreation facility (“MURF”).
Mandate of the Steering Committee:
1. Review the Phase 1 Final Report, comment on the outcomes from the lens of Collingwood-specific stakeholders and provide advice as a committee on recommended next steps.
2. Provide recommendations that take into account the data collected through community engagement during Phase 1, and that reflect current and future community needs from a Collingwood-centric perspective.
Board Information
The Steering Committee will meet monthly or as deemed necessary to fulfill its mandate effectively. Meetings may take place in-person, virtually, or as a hybrid based on the needs of the membership.
The Steering Committee will consist of seven (7) voting members and three (3) non-voting members, as follows:
• Council Representative: The Mayor of the Town of Collingwood or designated representative.
• Library Board Representative: One (1) representative from the Collingwood Public Library Board who will provide insight on community engagement and programming opportunities that align with the recreation facility’s goals.
• Town of Collingwood Staff: Three (3) non-voting representatives from relevant departments involved in the planning, development, or administration of recreational and library facilities.
• Local Sports or Recreation Industry Representatives: Three (3) representatives selected from Collingwood-based sports organizations, recreational service providers, or relevant industry sectors.
• Public Representatives: Two (2) Collingwood community members with a demonstrated interest in sports, recreation, or related fields.
The Steering Committee will be in effect until it has accomplished its mandate. Council may elect to extend the term of the Committee and revise the Terms of Reference if deemed advantageous to support the next steps in the project. Members may opt to remain on or resign from the Committee at that time. Any resulting vacancies will be filled based on the processes established.
Council Representative will be determined by the Mayor.
Library Board Representative will be appointed by the Library Board.
Town Staff will be appointed by the CAO based on relevant roles within the municipality.
Local Sports/Relevant Industry Representatives will be appointed by Council following an open application process with selection criteria based on organizational involvement, expertise, and understanding of community sport and recreational needs.
Public Representatives will be appointed by Council following an open application process, with selection criteria focused on demonstrated interest and experience in sports, recreation, library, and/or community services.
Staff Resources to the Steering Committee:
Karen Cubitt, Director, PRC
Ashley Kulchycki, Library CEO
Other Committee Resource:
Parks, Recreation and Culture - Town of Collingwood
Name | Position | Term Start | Term End | Status | Appointed By |