Board Name | Board Description | Vacancies |
Museum Advisory Committee | The purpose of the Museum Advisory Committee is to assist the Museum in meeting its mission to be a relevant and engaging resource of Collingwood’s heritage and collective memory through recomme... | |
Accessibility Advisory Committee | The role of the Accessibility Advisory Committee is to provide advice to the municipal government on a wide range of municipal processes to help make public services and facilities accessible to every... | |
Collingwood Heritage Committee | The mandate of the Collingwood Heritage Committee is to advise and provide recommendations to Council to ensure that appropriate cultural heritage conservation practices are followed throughout the To... | |
Trails and Active Transportation Advisory Committee | The Trails and Active Transportation Advisory Committee fosters ongoing stewardship of Collingwood’s multi-use pathways, trails, on-road bicycle lanes/routes/connections in cooperation with the ... | |
Collingwood OPP Detachment Board | In March 2019, the Ontario government passed the Community Safety and Policing Act (CSPA) as part of the Comprehensive Ontario Police Services Act, 2019. On its proclamation date of April 1, 2024, the... | |
Collingwood Public Library Board | The Collingwood Public Library is governed under the Public Libraries Act and acts in a governance capacity, setting the strategic initiatives for the Library, providing policy direction, advocacy, an... | |
Committee of Adjustment | The Committee of Adjustment is a quasi-judicial body that hears applications for Minor Variances and Consent. Minor variance applications are required under Section 45 of the Planning Act, where a pro... | |
Property Standards Appeal Committee | As a Property Standards Appeal Committee, if an owner or occupant upon whom an order has been served under the Property Standards By-law is not satisfied with the terms or conditions of the order they... | |
Downtown Collingwood BIA Board of Management | The Downtown Collingwood BIA Board of Management oversees the improvement, beautification and maintenance of municipally-owned lands, buildings and structures in the area, beyond such improvement, bea... | |
Collingwood Multi-Use Recreation Facility Steering Committee | The purpose of establishing a Collingwood Multi-Use Recreation Facility Steering Committee is to ensure diverse, local perspectives are incorporated into Council’s decisionmaking regarding a MUR... | |
Affordable Housing Task Force | The Affordable Housing Task Force is a group of engaged citizens who provide advice, guidance and support on implementing the Council-endorsed Affordable Housing Master Plan. They also serve as a foru... |